Zach's March-April 2015 click here to go to Zach's May-June 2015 page

Sunday School boys working on the week 5 project in the 'What Would Love Do?' Journey program 2015-03-01

Daddy hosted a fun The Price is Right games night 2015-03-06

The boys made 'swine' in the week 6 WWLD Sunday School class (that pink balloon with a big drawn on it) (and this big little piggie just looks so cute!) 2015-03-11

We also hosted our first 'Ice Cream & Ice Age' night, raising money to help rescue girls from sexual slavery through New Hope Nepal 2015-03-13

Four of Zach's Hurstville New Church friends/Sunday School class (missing two) 2015-03-15

...A pretty glorious vision: a double-rainbow at sunrise! 2015-03-24

Zach helped with our friend's birthday dinner by preparing this menu 2015-03-21

Here she is, blowing out the candles in the chilled chocolate-espresso torte with toasted hazelnut crust and whipped coconut cream (and discovered the joys of the inextinguishable candles! :=D ) 2015-03-21

Zach & Max :=) 2015-03-28

Zach was surprised, although not at all thrilled, by Mommy's April Fool's breakfast prank! (Looks similar to his usual egg & cheese breakfast burrito, but tasted like banana and other sweet yumminess! :=D ) (He didn't appreciate the cereal in frozen milk, either..... That was the end of Mommy's food jokes!) 2015-04-01

Old-coot Daddy attempts to blow out his birthday <breakfast> candle - not so easy, now that he's 40! 2015-04-03

Zach gave Daddy this awesome "And SSS" book for his birthday -- 'The extra-hard-super-dazzling book'! (-And believe you us, it was super-dazzling...) 2015-04-03

Zach did a careful job of wrapping Daddy's presents... 2015-04-03

(He quite enjoyed watching Daddy unwrap it...) 2015-04-03

(...because, in true Beiswenger style, the big box contained quite small gifts! :=D ) 2015-04-03

Here's the itty-bitty "birthday card" Zach made for his papa's big 4-0. Silly boy! 2015-04-03

-Some tickles from the birthday boy! :=) (And some pumpkin pie, YUM!!) 2015-04-03

Zach made some pretty cool domino chains 2015-04-03

Conveniently, Todd's birthday fell on the same day a people would be gathering together, after the Good Friday service. -Surprise! :=D (...Hopefully that wasn't sacreligious?!...) 2015-04-03

..Just a fun picture of our Zachy boy. :=) 2015-04-04

Daddy got himself a NEW CAR! Zach enjoys riding in it, plenty, too! 2015-04-05

Our little church on Easter Sunday :=) 2015-04-05

After the church Easter egg hunt came the traditional sugar-cookie decorating. Mmmm! 2015-04-05

Zach enjoyed an Easter egg hunt at home, too... the next morning, since it got lost in the excitement of planning for Daddy's big b-day!? :=O (Whoops!) 2015-04-06

We sometimes pay a visit to a 'skate park', where Zach likes to ride his bike up & down the ramps 2015-04-10


:=) 2015-04-11

We visited the Hyde Park Barracks museum with some friends from school 2015-04-16

Zach marched in his very first ANZAC Day parade, with his Cub Scout group 2015-04-19

Zach & Eloise enjoy a ride on the flying flox 2015-04-28

    click here to go to Zach's May-June 2015 page